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Empowering Healthcare Research With Nisum’s Agile Roadmap to Quality and Collaboration

Nov 4, 2022 9:00:00 AM

An Agile Scrum Framework was implemented to improve the delivery process, which led to improving their go-to-market and product value.


Nisum improved the delivery process by introducing Agile Scrum Framework best practices that helped decrease efforts to design and create a new form from scratch and increased delivery of new features per release, leading to:

improvement in go-to-market and
product value


increase in platform scalability


Business Challenge

A leading healthcare research company needed help managing and improving their platform’s global accessibility because the company had issues with:

  • An undefined scope-of-work due to unclear requirements for the development of the scalable platform, which also made it unclear on how to minimize risks and failures
  • Inefficient processes so they needed to switch to Agile Methodologies
  • Resolving intra-team dependencies and avoiding code-written issues due to communication challenges between multiple teams working on different areas of the product in different time zones

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Nisum’s business agility experts implemented an Agile transformation roadmap to not only resolve the above challenges but to increase overall delivery quality and effectiveness, resulting in:

  • Increased platform scalability by taking a proactive approach towards planning, improving and streamlining, communication and collaboration, and refining Agile practices. To achieve this we:
    • Improved go-to-market and product value by:
      • Reducing requirement uncertainty by leading and planning more frequent refining requirements sessions with product owners 
      • Facilitating and educating stakeholders on Agile practices and benefits consistently to create a more mature business process
      • Reducing dependencies by creating a communication channel with all relevant stakeholders and teams and building special processes for intra-teams
    • Improved product visibility due to planning work one sprint ahead of schedule to establish more mature sprint goals and effectively help resolve dependencies between team members and cross-team members

Feel free to contact us for more information on how Nisum can drive results for your company.



Founded in California in 2000, Nisum is a digital commerce company focused on strategic IT initiatives using integrated solutions that deliver real and measurable growth.

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3 minutos de lectura

Empowering Healthcare Research With Nisum’s Agile Roadmap to Quality and Collaboration

Nov 4, 2022 9:00:00 AM

An Agile Scrum Framework was implemented to improve the delivery process, which led to improving their go-to-market and product value.


Nisum improved the delivery process by introducing Agile Scrum Framework best practices that helped decrease efforts to design and create a new form from scratch and increased delivery of new features per release, leading to:

improvement in go-to-market and
product value


increase in platform scalability


Business Challenge

A leading healthcare research company needed help managing and improving their platform’s global accessibility because the company had issues with:

  • An undefined scope-of-work due to unclear requirements for the development of the scalable platform, which also made it unclear on how to minimize risks and failures
  • Inefficient processes so they needed to switch to Agile Methodologies
  • Resolving intra-team dependencies and avoiding code-written issues due to communication challenges between multiple teams working on different areas of the product in different time zones

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Nisum’s business agility experts implemented an Agile transformation roadmap to not only resolve the above challenges but to increase overall delivery quality and effectiveness, resulting in:

  • Increased platform scalability by taking a proactive approach towards planning, improving and streamlining, communication and collaboration, and refining Agile practices. To achieve this we:
    • Improved go-to-market and product value by:
      • Reducing requirement uncertainty by leading and planning more frequent refining requirements sessions with product owners 
      • Facilitating and educating stakeholders on Agile practices and benefits consistently to create a more mature business process
      • Reducing dependencies by creating a communication channel with all relevant stakeholders and teams and building special processes for intra-teams
    • Improved product visibility due to planning work one sprint ahead of schedule to establish more mature sprint goals and effectively help resolve dependencies between team members and cross-team members

Feel free to contact us for more information on how Nisum can drive results for your company.



Founded in California in 2000, Nisum is a digital commerce company focused on strategic IT initiatives using integrated solutions that deliver real and measurable growth.

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